We have a range of quality shops, cafes, and restaurants located throughout Floor B2 to Floor 3, designed to meet the needs of executives and visitors alike. We offer an upscale dining court offering a variety of menus for any setting, from early-morning breakfasts to late-evening cocktails, relaxing cafes, take-out joints and exquisite restaurants preparing global cuisines for international business people. We ensure food ingredients of the highest quality for you to enjoy dining everyday in comfort.
Shops & Restaurants
Restaurants & Cafes
3F Silk Road Food
Tel: 021-5895-5530
3F Guangdong Cuisine
Tel: 021-5888-8926
3F Creative Japanese cuisine
Tel: 021-6877-7057
3F Sushi, Kappou, Yakitori Cuisine
Tel: 199-2196-3196
3F Restaurant & Lounge
Tel: 021-5757-7717
3F Japanese Cuisine
Tel: 021-5031-3900
2F Italian Restaurant
Tel: 021-5820-1217/021-5821-2317
2F Sichuan Cuisine
Tel: 021-6886-8856
2F Korean Restaurant
Tel: 158-4602-4455
2F / 3F Lu Cuisine
Tel: 021-6108-0803
2F Western simple food&baking
Tel: 021-6234-0680
2F Tea & Casual Dining
Tel: 134-1557-8336
2F Teas/Desserts
Tel: 135-6485-6927
2F 餐饮业
Tel: 177-2112-3910
2F Coffee
Tel: 130-6261-8128
1F Coffee Shop
Tel: 021-6877-5001
B1F Hunan cuisine
Tel: 189-3070-7053
B1F Southeast Asian cuisine
Tel: 021-5896-5018
B1F Vietnamese Cuisine
Tel: 021-5086-2011
B1F Japanese Cuisine
Tel: 021-8018-1323
B1F Cafe
Tel: 152-2168-8948
B1F Noodles
Tel: 021-6877-7728
B1F Japanese restaurant
Tel: 021-6233-8970
B1F Hunan cuisine
Tel: 190-7146-3820
B1F Sauerkraut Fish
Tel: 021-6176-2718
B1F Chinese Dumping
Tel: 131-1451-1917
Tel: 191-1725-6073
Shops & Services
3F SPA & Massage
Tel: 021-6876-8020
3F 美業類
Tel: 021-6877-9869/021-6840-3973
3F Hair Salon
Tel: 021-6840-5273
3F Hair wash, Hair care
Tel: 186-1695-1838
3F Tea Teaware
Tel: 021-5068-1691
3F Convenience Store
Tel: 021-6877-5095
3F Laundry
Tel: 021-6877-5688
2F Wine
Tel: 182-2117-1977
2F Ameliorate
Tel: 021-5058-0755
2F Eyeglass Shop
Tel: 021-5045-5171
2F Photo Studio
Tel: 021-6101-4399
2F jewelry
Tel: 021-5036-2568
2F tailor-made
Tel: 182-2199-9699
B1F Hybrid Flower Shop
B1F Convenience Store
Tel: 021-6877-4006
Health Care
2F Medical & Dental Clinic
Tel: 021-6877-5093
View by the floor map